Privacy Policy

I understand your desire for privacy. Therefore, I've developed a simple privacy policy in plain English.
  • The Black Hole of Photography doesn't keep any personally identifiable information on visitors to this site. Therefore, I am not able to disclose any information. I do not, however, host my own site. My hosting service is Dream Host, which has its own privacy policy that I do not control.
  • The Black Hole of Photography does keep records of customers and hired models as required by law. All customer information is private, and will not be disclosed to any third party.
    • Information about hired models (including TFP) will only be disclosed as described in the signed model release.
    • The above not-withstanding, The Black Hole of Photography complies with all laws, and could conceivably be required to disclose some records to duly constituted authority. It has never happened, but I have to mention the possibility.
  • Any changes to this policy will be posted on this page 30 days before they take effect.
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